Nelso Rodríguez is a nurse and one of the founders of the community network in El Cuy, Patagonia, Argentina. A little over a year ago, there was no Internet or…

Nelso Rodríguez is a nurse and one of the founders of the community network in El Cuy, Patagonia, Argentina. A little over a year ago, there was no Internet or…
As billions of us move into self-isolation, one thing is crystal clear: Internet access is critical. If anyone of us took it for granted before, COVID-19 has changed everything and rocketed the world…
Amid the global spread of COVID-19, the exceptional strict confinement to our homes offers important lessons about the urgency of bridging the digital divide. Where I live, in Osona (rural…
NYC Mesh connects people to “critical Internet lifeline” during COVID-19 pandemic As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, cities are slowing to a halt and millions of people are self-isolating to…
Yesterday’s announcement by the Government of Canada to drive down cell phone prices will only end up costing Canada in the long run. In a press conference held yesterday, Minister…
Last month, 40 community radio and network providers from all across Asia-Pacific journeyed by road from Bengaluru, India’s tech capital, to IruWay, a rural research lab about 80km away. As…
Nearly half of the world lacks Internet access. But in rural Africa, the number is much higher: 86% of people are unconnected, with fewer women having access than men. Deutsche…
We are incredibly inspired by the collaborative projects brought to life by our Chapters for the 2019 Chapterthon, the global contest in which Internet Society Chapters develop a project within a set timeline and budget to…
The 4th Summit on Community Networks in Africa took place in Dodoma, Tanzania from 28 October to 2 November 2019 in partnership with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and hosted…
Community networks (CNs) offer a solution to connect the unconnected billions. They are becoming all the more important as recent trends reveal a slowdown in Internet connectivity growth through national operators in the…
The establishment of Pu‘uhonua o Waimānalo in 1994 was a significant milestone in the native Hawaiian movement to regain independence from the United States, which overthrew its kingdom in 1893. The…