La saison des fêtes approche à grands pas et la frénésie autour des nouveaux objets IoT (Internet des objets) bat son plein : les « appareils intelligents » se déclinent pour la maison,…
The Canadian Multistakeholder Process: Enhancing IoT Security meeting takes place in Ottawa today, November 20th, from 1PM-5PM EST. This is the fourth session in a year-long series. The meetings have…
The Internet Society in conjunction with the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation – Tajikistan and the CAREN3 project organised an IXP workshop on 25 October 2018 at the Center of Written Heritage…
The cost of IoT breaches: Companies struggling with Internet of things security are seeing a monetary impact, says About a quarter of companies struggling with IoT security have reported…
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the first edition of the International Internet and Entrepreneurship Forum (FIIE), in Monterrey, Mexico. The event was convened by NIC Mexico…
Google recently faced a major outage in many parts of the world thanks to a BGP leak. This incident that was caused by a Nigerian ISP – Mainone – occurred…
Access to the Internet can change people’s lives for the better. This is particularly true when communities take ownership of that access and take full advantage of it to improve…
Our world is evolving exceedingly fast these days. Within the last few years in what has been coined the fourth industrial revolution we have witnessed evolutionary developments. One of those…
As we approach the holiday buying season, excitement is building for all the new IoT gadgets – “smart” everything for the home, fitness/health trackers and a plethora of connected children’s…
The Internet Society participated in a Routing Security Workshop that was held during the Internet2 Technology Exchange 2018 on 15 October 2018 in Orlando, United States. The research and education…
China wants fairness: Chinese President Xi Jinping called for international cooperation to make the Internet more “fair and equitable,” while also asserting the Chinese government’s authority to shape it, Reuters…