- Internet Society France (Lucien M. CASTEX, Francesca Musiani)
- Savoir*Devenir (Divina FRAU-MEIGS, Pascale Garreau)
- UN Youth Coalition on Internet Governance / Sunium (Nadia Tjahja)
- Tencent (Liyun Han)
- Speaker 1: Emmanuel ADJOVI, Organisation Internationale de la francophonie, Intergovernmental Organization
- Speaker 2: Denis Teyssou, Agence France Presse, Private Sector,
- Speaker 3: Paula Forteza, French Member of parliament, Government,
- Speaker 4: Ahmet Murat KILIÇ, Conseil de l’Europe, Intergovernmental Organization
- Speaker 5: Jean-Baptiste Piacentino, QWANT, Private Sector
- Speaker 6: Rasmus Nielsen, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, Academia
Relevance of the issue
Information disorders have been rising with the emergence of social media and big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence. Their scope ranges from rumor to propaganda to cyber hybrid threats. They encompass issues of radicalization, hate speech and other forms of intimidation of populations. They potentially present risks for democratic processes and national sovereignty while presenting other societal costs that can undermine trust in the “information society”. Information disorders are varied and they don’t have a single root cause. Some of them have been enabled by the development of social media but this does not exonerate some political actors, and extremist groups in the civil society actors. They have caused disruption in elections and referenda, they have undermined confidence in the news and information sector, they have sought, directly or indirectly, to take control over media images and representations.
No single solution can be applied to help mitigate such risks. Many responses have been proposed and/or applied pro-actively. They aim at stifling threats in the short-term and at increasing long-term resilience of citizens and member states. Most of the responses have been of an non-regulatory nature, with different stakeholders, trying to minimize legal intervention. Others have been of a regulatory nature with interference of public authorities in issues of elections and foreign intervention, raising issues of censorship. While targeting and countering specific information disorders, they need to be formulated to ensure that their design does not bring with them restrictions to civil liberties, ensuring due process and proportionality. To ensure that the responses to information disorders are valid and up-dated, the evolving nature of the problems needs to be monitored. The best responses may be in focusing on new smart initiatives, driven by multi-stakeholder collaborations, that avoid disengagement of the state in policing but minimize regulatory intervention and keep the private sector accountable. Governments, media and social media enterprises as well as individuals have to think and learn how to live in what some call « the post-truth era ». Other initiatives involve building on the strength of the networks and the online communities and strengthen digital citizenship via Media and Information literacies and digital debates that try to mitigate the distortions and asymmetries revealed by information disorders.
- Onsite Moderator: Lucien Castex
- Online Moderator: Francesca Musiani, Virginija Balciunaite
- Rapporteur: Pascale Garreau
- Session Time: Tuesday, 13 November, 2018 – 16:40 to 18:10
- Room: Salle XII @UNESCO
Session Content
FORMAT : roundtable, open-discussion, 90 minutes.
An online preparatory session will be organize to map the complexities of the issue, in order to prepare the report, graphs and visual supports prior to the IGF.
> Opening (10’) Opening remarks by organizers on Issue and perspectives (background and short presentation).
Nadia Tjahja, will present the mapping of the information disorders, following the preparatory session.
> Harnessing information disorders, scoping the issue and assessing the responses: Insights from speakers (30’)
– Scope of the issue (dissemination of rumors and fake news on the internet, governance)? Societal costs? How to minimize costs and vulnerabilities? What platform and media responsibility? Identifying new opportunities and new initiatives? Co-regulation perspectives? What balance of policy actions?
> Relevant questions and Open discussion (45′)
– Open discussion with randomly sectioned participants (online and onsite) and roundtable discussion: sustainability, promote an enhance cooperation and innovative governance, empowering citizens through digital citizenship and Media and Information Literacies (participation of the Council of Europe), How are young people skilled (participation of Young European Leadership)?
> Closing remarks: (5’)
– Announcing results of a hackathon of disinformation
– Next steps for improvement
The aim of the workshop is to create a global debate and help move toward prospective solutions to effectively resolve this emerging problem.
First of all, the views, expertise and insights of speakers will be included in the session (benchmark and lessons learned from government, companies and civil society projects). In addition, to scope the issue and assess the responses, we will have an open discussion with participants and feedback from speakers.
Considering the evolving nature of the issue, the panel aims at gathering views from leading experts and stakeholders groups: we put an emphasis on diversity with speakers from Europe, Asia, LAC and Africa, coming from academia, government, Private sector (in particular the compagny Tencent ), technical community, Civil Society and Inter-governemental Organizations (Council of Europe). Beside official speakers, we have a longer list of interested participants from the different stakehoder groups. We plan to have an active online participation, as diversity is a key factor to tackle information disorders, hence the proposed roundtable format.
The online participation will be organized as a mirror of the onsite participation, with a dedicated moderator to ensure active participation and engage online participants. • E-opening for remote participants The dedicated moderator will gather feedbacks from remote participants. • E-discussion Online participants will be invited to join the discussion during key moments. Each group moderator will facilitate discussion. The remote audience will try answering the same question as the onsite participants. Online participants will also be invited to directly participate to a cases study, through a digital platform (link provided at the beginning of the session by the organizing team). • E-conclusion Online participants will join onsite participants to present results and proposed next steps.
The aim of the workshop if to achieve a real debate amongst participants. The organizing team will keep time and engage participant to ensure the quality of the discussion. The team is composed of experienced moderators used to engaging in public debate with a diverse audience: online, onsite, citizen, experts, governments. Also, the quick introduction aims to pave the way of the discussion by providing key background information (benchmark, policies…).