En 2017, l’Internet Society a dévoilé le Rapport mondial sur Internet 2017 (2017 Global Internet Report: Paths to Our Digital Future): Les chemins vers notre avenir numérique. Le rapport interactif…
L’Internet Society et la Commission de l’Union africaine (CUA) ont lancé aujourd’hui Personal Data Protection Guidelines for Africa pour l’Afrique («les lignes directrices pour la protection des données personnelles») au Sommet…
Créer un Internet plus sûr et fiable nécessite de construire une sensibilisation et une éducation spécifique. Ce message a été mis en avant lors de l’événement des femmes du Sommet…
La réunion RIPE 76 qui débute la semaine prochaine à Marseille est que la deuxième réunion RIPE organisée en France. Les réunions RIPE sont des événements clé pour l’Internet Society. Notre collègue Jan…
The news was amazing: Police in California used DNA evidence collected decades ago to identify the suspected Golden State Killer, a serial killer and rapist active between the mid-‘70s and…
A colleague just received an “Urgent Security Alert – Action Requested” email from Nest. At first glance it looked like either a phishing attempt or one of the way-too-often breach…
In January 2018, the Internet Society Nepal Chapter organized the first Nepal School on Internet Governance (npSIG) in collaboration with the Forum for Digital Equality. The initiative offered an intensive…
Creating a safer and trusted Internet MUST involve education building and awareness raising. This is one message that came up at the women’s event during the 2018 Africa Internet Summit…
Dustin Phillips, Co-Executive Director of ICANNWiki, is traveling across the United States in his red Toyota Corolla, making connections with the people who are making their communities – and the Internet…
Last week’s news that the passwords of every Twitter user around the world had been exposed in plain text is a stark reminder of the sometimes-fragile nature of security in the…
Coming to a space station near you: Artificial intelligence is going to space – maybe not a space station, but a satellite – predicts an aerospace executive, quoted in SpaceNews.com.…