As the Director of Technology for the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association I’ve been working with Native communities in San Diego County and Southern Riverside County of California in the…
AI battles the fake news: Can Artificial Intelligence combat all the fake news that’s out there? An article in Forbes looks at several ways fake news fighters are using AI,…
The community of Latin America and the Caribbean has maintained an incessant activity in community networks topics, particularly during September. This work has been reflected in various spaces, highlighting the…
La semaine dernière, Facebook a reconnu avoir été affecté par une brèche de sécurité, ayant exposé les données personnelles de millions d’utilisateurs du réseau social. Le 28 septembre, il a été…
Cet article reflète les arguments avancés dans un document d’information publié conjointement par Internet Society et l’Association for Progressive Communications (APC) avant le Sommet du Groupe des femmes du G20…
Selon certains experts, un groupe de pays va probablement tenter de relancer les vieilles batailles sur le contrôle international d’Internet au cours des mois à venir, lors des prochaines réunions…
À New York, une poignée d’organisations contournent les grands fournisseurs d’accès à Internet et développent leurs propres réseaux communautaires, afin de fournir un service plus abordable et, dans bien des…
Are you ready? Are your systems prepared so that DNS will keep functioning for your networks? One week from today, on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at 16:00 UTC ICANN will…
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and as part of our work with the Online Trust Alliance and our Internet of Things (IoT) campaign, we think October also deserves another…
While a new fund by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has disappointed some Internet advocacy groups, we believe it could be critical to bringing Indigenous and northern communities…
In November 2017, the Internet Society hosted the inaugural Indigenous Connectivity Summit in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The event brought together community network operators, Internet service providers, community members, researchers, policy makers, and…