À mesure que l’analyse des données s’est améliorée, les énormes quantités d’informations que les entreprises obtiennent auprès de leurs clients n’ont gagné qu’en valeur économique. Dans le monde professionnel d’aujourd’hui,…
Comment coordonner les actions contre les attaques d’Internet et ses utilisateurs ? S’il veut survivre à sa croissance ininterrompue, le réseau des réseaux doit évoluer. Cette transformation concerne non seulement les…
Public Interest Registry (PIR) est l’opérateur à but non lucratif des domaines .ORG, .NGO et .ONG. Si vous ou quelqu’un que vous connaissez souhaitez participer à l’orientation future de PIR…
Last year, the Internet Society unveiled the 2017 Global Internet Report: Paths to Our Digital Future. The interactive report identifies the drivers affecting tomorrow’s Internet and their impact on Media &…
Earlier this week Jason Donenfeld received the Radiant Award from the Internet Security Research Group. Jason is an accomplished engineer and a creative thinker, which makes his work clean, simple,…
A new Internet Society Chapter has been founded within the Regional Bureau in Latin America & Caribbean. The creation of the Colombia Chapter is today officially announced at Universidad del…
This month, we’ve asked parents to share their experiences of raising kids in the tech age. Today’s guest author is Sara Given, creator of the viral blog “It’s Like They Know Us,” which…
The winner of this year’s Chapterthon was announced this Tuesday, 4 December during InterCommunity 2018. Chapterthon is a global Internet Society (ISOC) Chapters and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) marathon, where…
Initiée par l’Internet Society, l’Online Trust Alliance publie aujourd’hui son cinquième audit annuel sur le marketing électronique et le désabonnement. Les chercheurs de l’OTA ont analysé les pratiques en matière…
Kyrgyzstan’s transition to post-Soviet renovation toward a free market economy has had severe effects on the nation’s educational system. Having limited resources, schools in Kyrgyzstan desperately need more teachers. Currently,…
How do we coordinate responses to attacks against Internet infrastructure and users? Internet technology has to scale or it won’t survive for long as the network of networks grows ever…