Vote of Confidence: Voting is open for Chapterthon 2019, the global Internet Society Chapters marathon, where Chapters can develop projects within a timeline and budget to achieve a common goal…
We’re thrilled to showcase this year’s creative, innovative and impactful projects aimed at ‘Connecting the Unconnected’. These short-term projects were run by twenty-eight of our Chapters that participated in the…
In April 2019 the Internet Society’s Online Trust Audit released its 10th Online Trust Audit and Honor Roll. One of the longest-running sectors covered in the Audit is online retailers.…
Simply put, MITM is an attack in which a third party gains access to the communications between two other parties, without either of those parties realising it. The third party…
Internet from the skies: Loon, Google’s sister company, is teaming up with Internet provider Telefonica to provide Internet access to remote areas of the Amazon rainforest in Peru, TechCrunch reports.…
Internet security is accomplished by many unsung heroes. People who put their talent and passion into improving the Internet, making it secure and trustworthy. This is a feature of the…
Organisé l’an dernier à Paris, le Forum sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet (IGF) Monde se tiendra cette fois à Berlin du 25 au 29 novembre prochains. Le comité français sera…
Alain Aina has been a key player in the Internet in Africa. While the winner of this year’s Jonathan B. Postel Award has had support from organizations and others, his…
Community networks (CNs) offer a solution to connect the unconnected billions. They are becoming all the more important as recent trends reveal a slowdown in Internet connectivity growth through national operators in the…
A more secure Internet: Let’s Encrypt, the nonprofit certificate authority, has helped the percentage of websites protected with HTTPS encryption jump from 40 percent in 2016 to 80 percent now,…
Le Chapitre français de l’Internet Society a participé au concours Chapterthon, le marathon des chapitres de l’Internet Society, avec comme thème cette année : « Connecter les Non-connectés« , dans la lignée…