After the recent series of technical Best Current Operational Practices (BCOP) documents that we initiated and co-authored, it’s time for new one. This time on how to run an incoming…
Namibia becomes the 32nd Internet Society (ISOC) chartered chapter to launch in Africa. Namibia is a Southern Africa country just slightly bigger than Texas, and the 34th largest country in…
We are delighted to announce the launch of 2016 Beyond the Net Impact Report and 13 amazing new projects. The post Today’s Steps to Make a Better Tomorrow! appeared first…
When we talk about women and technology, we need to talk data. In the United States, a recent report by the National Center for Women and Information Technology highlighted that only…
In a previous series of articles (part 1, part 2) we described how to install and use DANE for verifying your email and web server certificates through the DNS. In this article,…
When we talk about women and technology, we need to talk data. In the United States, a recent report by the National Center for Women and Information Technology highlighted that only…
Accessibility is human right. People with disabilities want and need to use the Internet just like everyone else, but what can we do to reduce barriers? Especially when one billion…
Aujourd’hui, jeudi 14 décembre, la FCC (« Commission fédérale des communications ») a enterré les règles adoptées sous la présidence de Barack Obama, visant à garantir la Neutralité du Net…
As we look around at a rapidly changing world that is shaped more and more by the digital domain, we see an Internet that faces many challenges. We see an Internet at a crossroads, where…
L’accessibilité est un droit humain. Il suffit de regarder les énormes avantages que les produits et services Internet peuvent apporter à la vie des personnes handicapées pour comprendre cela. Lire…
Le 14 décembre devrait rester gravé dans la mémoire d’Internet comme le jour où les Etats-Unis, à travers la FCC (« Commission fédérale des communications »), ont enterré les lois Obama…